Welcome to my Website!!


This is my Website that I never work on 😢. I promise it will be done one day 🙏. Ignore the bad bad splash screen. I need to make it better

I love love love love Vocaloid. It's my all time favorite thing. The differnt pages on this website are themed after differnt Vocaloids. This is the Miku themed page

I made this website because my friend Miles started making their own neocities and introduced me to it. It looked fun and I like coding so I figured I'd make one!!

Check out my friends websites!!

Miles: https://nexus2spectra.neocities.org
Suzie: https://samisdead.neocities.org

This website was made using 1920 x 1080 on chrome. I'm so sorry if you're on mobile.

I wish

If I had one wish I would wish to be happy happy cat sleeping on a big big bed

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

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